戀之天地's Archiver

陳真 發表於 2014-10-13 10:03

每月10號 reset

致大家5kqvJ X&Lu
4C oe Q~
由於小弟用的貼圖網站是免費版的 photobucket, 而且在近幾個月來,不足兩星期便會爆 Bandwidth,所以請大家忍耐一下....
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當我爆埋 space 之後,我會俾錢做 付費 account,到時問題就會解決

chantelise 發表於 2014-10-18 20:26

You mean 10 reset means photobucket its site will reset bandwidth data every month?K-f.R| ?
since I am also using that site to upload photos

陳真 發表於 2014-11-29 00:24

回復 2# chantelise 的帖子

Yes, the photobucket account bandwidth will reset to zero every month, I register on a 10th day of a month, so, my account's bandwidth will reset on the 10th day of every month.YMP|/C `
5v4TZ8op q%@l
hope that answered your question.

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