戀之天地's Archiver

krell 發表於 2017-2-6 16:44

Did anyone try to go to Japan CD?

Japan do CD is very famous.
]l3q1O"Vw8mK,` Did anyone tried CD salon in Japan?
_?l4L)e};E_} Or any other clubs about CD?

Rachel 發表於 2017-2-6 21:55

You can refer to my old posts in 2013, rented kimono in normal shop and went to CD bar$Q0x EE _ p/z*Ya5Ik#c
Actually I visited Japan last year too, went to CD cafe at night and visited seaside park at daytime~!p8q+I$BB8e ^H
9vZ kd6ML_
[[i] 本帖最後由 Rachel 於 2017-2-6 21:59 編輯 [/i]]

shirleyone 發表於 2017-2-10 14:48

[quote]原帖由 [i]Rachel[/i] 於 2017-2-6 21:55 發表 [url=http://hkcd.tv/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1177798&ptid=58079&rpnum=288357][img]http://hkcd.tv/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]  [url=http://hkcd.tv/misc.php?action=replyrequest&pid=1177798&tid=58079&rpnum=288357][img]http://hkcd.tv/images/selfdefine/replyrequest.gif[/img][/url]w4R+p OSM&m{2tY
You can refer to my old posts in 2013, rented kimono in normal shop and went to CD barw3Eg[7?1S,qPD

c#`%p+Emp:H d0a/[^ Actually I visited Japan last year too, went to CD cafe at night and visited seaside park at daytime [/quote]
u} ?$jE0JP#Y8em Must be nice experience but can't find your old post.

cindy4ever 發表於 2017-2-10 17:49

you are gping japan?

Rachel 發表於 2017-2-11 16:24

[quote]原帖由 [i]shirleyone[/i] 於 2017-2-10 14:48 發表 [url=http://hkcd.tv/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=1178490&ptid=58079&rpnum=353470][img]http://hkcd.tv/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]  [url=http://hkcd.tv/misc.php?action=replyrequest&pid=1178490&tid=58079&rpnum=353470][img]http://hkcd.tv/images/selfdefine/replyrequest.gif[/img][/url]*[jx-t:O
Must be nice experience but can't find your old post. [/quote]U%\!F X jm.dGP
2013]&yT;_ w6qk:Fs
[url]http://hkcd.tv/thread-33099-1-1.html[/url]-} I U W&A9OPS.YW#M
[url]http://hkcd.tv/thread-33007-1-1.html[/url]S J-PT#hQ
r5Ch JbN
b TqwfXO [url]http://hkcd.tv/thread-53018-1-1.html[/url]

李馬q 發表於 2017-2-14 05:32

:sosad: 年頭減肥 打算年尾去日本cd

snowsnow 發表於 2017-3-3 01:04


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