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回復 22# LovelyStephanie 的帖子

藥物不同糖,推介使用當然要慎重 ,你介紹的網都有警告及提醒要食前食后定期檢查防止劑量服用累積至200-300mg以上時出現肝硬化,有問題馬上要停用
" k! [/ }6 v4 U- i8 I, x4 U
% d" {  }6 g3 b1 ]5 y5 WWARNING* v+ ]! B8 X3 L) F
Cyproterone is the most powerful of anti-androgen drugs and must not be taken by any patient with a medical condition, or one who is taking / has recently taken other drugs that are contra-indicated.. h% n  Z9 n% [- |3 }, e# m, l
0 H/ \: r& J3 ^0 E' a
During treatment, liver function, adrenocortical function and the red blood-cell count should be checked regularly.# l% I, @5 X: M  j

, Y. I7 e) k: T  D1 a; C2 yDirect hepatic toxicity, including jaundice, hepatitis and hepatic failure, which has been fatal in some cases, has been reported in patients treated with 200 - 300mg cyproterone acetate. Most reported cases are in men with prostatic cancer. Toxicity is dose-related and develops, usually, several months after treatment has begun. Liver function tests should be performed pre-treatment and whenever any symptoms or signs suggestive of hepatotoxicity occur. If hepatotoxicity is confirmed, cyproterone acetate should normally be withdrawn, unless the hepatotoxicity can be explained by another cause, e.g. metastatic disease, in which case cyproterone acetate should be continued only if the perceived benefit outweighs the risk.
香港戀物討論區 http://www.hkcdtv.com/


成為永久會員的條件:發帖數(不論主題或回覆)達到 30 個積分達到 50 以上。
原帖由 gila 於 2011-6-2 21:30 發表   . t( [/ T9 g' m0 ?1 r  L
在網上購買這種藥進入香港, 會犯法嗎?
+ m5 V( J; ^4 a$ t6 e' ^5 R* O一般人沒有醫生證明同藥物許可證.


樓主都係成年人, 相信佢衡量過哂所有對於服用抗雄激素藥物的利與弊後, 會曉得作出最適合自己的決定