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標題: 購物請教! [打印本頁]

作者: wetwet880    時間: 2011-7-26 11:03     標題: 購物請教!

; g& H8 u7 [5 I* w0 N由細到大都好想着女装,但以前冇咁多資料可search,所以一直無試,加上無膽
0 B, N: ^3 ^. F& n# z' y! R但現在想若果一直不試,日後必後悔.7 V; }8 }* Y7 v* g0 B: n$ O
現請教各位可從什麼地方購女装? 有冇啲shop 的sale 會唔用奇怪的眼光看男人買女装,更會提供意見,
. ?, j  F7 C% ]( q9 U非常非常期待回覆     感謝
作者: iamonheel    時間: 2011-7-26 12:09

你喜歡甚麼裝束呢, 有無特別喜好呢, 校服, 制服, lolita cosplay 我就唔清楚.9 n' S2 _0 e' ]8 m

3 z  r, }/ O( M' i- Z一般女裝, 去 in&out 呢啲喇, 基本任揀無人理, H&M 甚至可以攞入 fitting room試.
' ~8 y( D7 U- s7 S4 ~" @; w; F: h! i0 k2 m- c
唔知 size, 第一次可以買啲 有橡筋嘅款式. 習慣後先買啲有分 size, 比較貼身嘅款囉.
作者: Terry220022    時間: 2011-7-26 15:55

姊妹可以試下去旺角嘅Magic Beauty又或者去女人街都有好多選擇
作者: mercury1    時間: 2011-7-26 20:31

. }# d/ ]% |2 }1 I7 l0 u0 }當係幫人買咪得囉
作者: applebaby    時間: 2011-7-27 01:36

作者: erica88    時間: 2011-8-25 00:09

作者: erica88    時間: 2011-8-25 00:09

作者: Dee    時間: 2011-8-25 10:35

On Cheung Sa Wan Road, between SSP and Prince Edward, there are a lot of export clothing stores. Nobody will care about you being a man buying lady stuff. They just care about your cash. No one will bother you either. These are good places to train your guts and your eye for size. The clothes there are very cheap, as low as $10 for a T-shirt or something. If the size doesn't fit you, it is not a huge waste.* N' T6 N+ i% J3 q/ P8 g
9 I2 a5 Q7 |2 I' C9 H8 Z2 \
P.S. No I am not talking about the wholesale shops at SSP. Most of them don't do retail. Those ones that do, have the racks outside and lots of people pass by.

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